Good but
I would like multiplayer be cause I have finisht the game 100# overall I also beat the arcade all gold medal now Im board and have not play in a long time so if you could add multiplayer I would be so happy and would play this game some more like make a host and join thing and you can host or join a game like the host can start the game when ever just need 2 players in a waiting for more player or the host can just start the game with him and the other player but it can go up to for players in a game and wants you press play as host you pop up in the house you can have a voice chat or just text in a chat thing and you can play on the red arcade and have fun or do the story and once you joined or hosted with a game with some player you and friend them and invite them a nother time to play with you and finish the game I would like it if you did all that like tap single player or multiplayer then it shows host game and join game then you can do like local play or world play something like that I would love it if you had all this in a update for fancy pants hope it happens and if it dose Ill have so much more to do and lots more fun :)
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Fancy Pants Adventures